

Fór náttúrulega ekkert að sofa strax ;-) Var að skoða framhaldsnámsprógrömm í BNA. Líst ansi vel á þetta í University of Michigan:

The Cognition and Perception program is especially geared toward students who wish to develop skills in mathematics, statistics, neuroscience, or artificial intelligence as well as in psychology. Our program's curriculum offers several specializations that foster these technical skills for use in Formal Modeling, Mathematical Psychology, and other rigorous approaches to research on Cognition and Perception.

Stanford hljómar líka vel:

Survey and analysis of topics including perception, learning, attention, memory, language, categorization, spatial cognition, problem solving, and reasoning, with emphases on mathematical modeling and computer simulation, cognitive theory, brain function, and applications as well as empirical demonstrations.

Hef samt ekki Guðmund um hvort ég eigi séns í að komast inn í svona brjálaða skóla og, ef svo væri, hvort ég þyrfti að borga böns af pening fyrir þá. Kemur allt betur í ljós síðar.

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