
Eru líffræðingar haldnir eðlisfræðiöfund?

Það er greinilegt að það eru ekki bara sálfræðingar sem eru sakaðir um að vera haldnir eðlisfræðiöfund. Hér dissar líffræðingur eðlisfræðinga á frekar skondinn hátt. Í greininni segir meðal annars:

In one such experiment, we considered the possibility of accelerating two rats to relativistic velocity, and smashing them together and counting the rat particles that would be emitted. For a time, there appeared to be the exciting possibility of discovering a new elementary particle, which would be found only in living matter, and which could tie the field of quantum mechanics with the emerging biological science of consciousness. However, with the help of the formidable mathematical skills of another physicist friend, we were able to estimate that the number of rat particles emitted would probably be too large to count [1], even if we put all our NIH postdocs on the problem. In fact, it would be too many even if our Howard Hughes fellows and all of our Summer Students pitched in and contributed their formidable math skills as well to the project. Thus, the elusive consciousness particle would have been impossible to detect.